Mosquito Borne Diseases

CDC Light Trap

Mosquito borne diseases and other vector borne diseases have long plagued humanity.  Unfortunately, modern times are no different.  Globally vector borne diseases infect 96 million people and kill 700,000 people annually.  Most of these deaths are from malaria. 

The disease landscape is continually changing.  Human impacts such as climate change, travel and commerce have allowed both mosquitoes and diseases to expand their ranges. In 1999 West Nile Virus was introduced into New York City.  It quickly spread throughout the United States including Massachusetts.  Recently, the disease landscape changed again when Zika and Chikungunya were imported into the Americas.  Neither of these diseases are currently in Massachusetts.

Massachusetts' main mosquito borne diseases are Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile.  The Department of Public Health is the lead state agency for disease surveillance and control.  Mosquito control agencies work closely with DPH and participate in the surveillance program and in the control of disease outbreaks.