Plymouth County Mosquito Control Project accepts requests for adult mosquito control from residents. Residents can call up to eight times per season to be sprayed barring any spray restrictions in the area. The spray used will kill the mosquitoes in the area at the time that we spray and is not a preventative. Residents must call, fax or mail us each time they have a mosquito problem. Pesticide applications are made via an ultra-low volume sprayer that is on the back of a pickup truck. Typically spraying is done from the street and can travel up to 300 feet. Weather permitting, the sprayers are operating 2 AM to ½ hour before sunrise each weekday. At 3pm a list of streets to be sprayed the following morning will be posted on our website External link opens in new tab or windowhere.

In recent years PCMCP has made several technological improvements to our adulticiding program. These improvements have increased efficiency and documentation of applications. Using GPS technology we can now track our applicators locations, plan spray routes and track when the sprayer is on. They will also alert the driver to properties that are to be excluded.

When disease is detected in mosquito populations PCMCP works with Massachusetts Department of Public health and municipalities to reduce risk. DPH has developed a surveillance and response plan that offers guidance to municipalities and mosquito control agencies as to how disease risk can be reduced. PCMCP follows this plan.